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Discord Poker

@PokerStars In Lee Jones' Journal
  1. Discord Poker Night
  2. Discord Poker Bot
  3. Discord Poker Beta
  4. Discord Poker Bots

Don't panic - it's good news this time. While 'discord' generally means a lack of agreement and people not getting along, in this context it means the exact opposite.

Discord is an excellent platform with a large and growing user base, some content creators are active on Discord however their professional work may get overlooked in servers with mixed content. We use strict verification process and our channels are only available to verified people, and unverified members are pruned daily.

Discord pokerealm

Now, if you're of a certain age and bent, you're already saying 'Wait - PokerStars is on Discord?' But if this is all new to you... Discord is a voice and text chat platform where people can talk and chat (think 'Skype crossed with forum software'). It has 25 million users and is very popular among the gamer crowd for voice chat within games, and for discussing those games when they're not actually playing.

Discord pokerealm

We saw that and said, 'Hey, what a great place to meet and talk with our players.' We've had the PokerStars Discord server up for about a week now and it's beginning to buzz with discussion. With both SCOOP and Monte Carlo going on, there's plenty to talk about.

  1. What she did was create a channel on Discord called “Poker Peeps Affected by COVID19.” Next, she invited all the people she knows that were affected by all the casino closures and tournament cancellations. On March 24, the Discord group had a total of 120, but the number of members is growing. What Stone noticed was that the majority of.
  2. To further reduce visual spam on screen, the poke could appear in a modal type window section that accumulates pokes from the same person. That way you can see the poke reason(s) and close then all at once (for each 'poker').

This is also going to be a place where you can interact directly with PokerStars employees. This won't be for customer support - is still the best place for that - but where you can have one-on-one conversations with your fellow players and the people who make PokerStars tick.

We're also going to have a series of AMA ('Ask Me Anything') gatherings where we bring in PokerStars subject matter experts, Team Pros, poker luminaries - anybody we can coax into the hot seat to answer your questions in real time.

In fact, on Wednesday, May 3rd, at 1:00pm Eastern Time (6:00pm UK), Team Pro Online member Jaime Staples is going to host the first PokerStars Discord AMA. I'm sure by now you're thinking, 'Okay - how do I get in?' Easy - go here:

If you already have a Discord ID, it will simply add the PokerStars server to your list. If you don't have a Discord ID, it will invite you to create one and then populate that ID with the PokerStars server. If you want to add a League of Legends discussion group after that, it's up to you.

Our Discord community has very few rules - basically we expect you to be civil and polite, both to your fellow members and to the PokerStars employees and Team Pros who are there. That's not to say you can't tell us how we can do our job better - in fact, that's one of the main reasons that we're there. We just ask (and expect) you to tell us in an appropriate and constructive manner. Bring us your tough questions and incisive comments - we're listening.


Discord Poker Night

If you find that being positive and constructive is just not in your range today, have no fear - we have a special discussion channel called #padded_tilt_room. You can go there and rage about bad beats, rigged shuffles, and whatever else is eating at you.

Then come back out and let's talk.

Discord PokerDiscord

Discord Poker Bot

We want the PokerStars Discord to be a place where you get information from us, and we get feedback, questions, and concerns from you. But none of that happens if you're not there. Remember:

And when you see something that looks like:

Click to enlarge

Discord Poker Beta

You know you're in the right place. See you on Wednesday, May 3rd at 1:00pm Eastern (6:00pm UK) for Jaime Staples' AMA, or sooner.

Discord Poker Bots

Lee Jones first joined PokerStars in 2003 and has been part of the professional poker world for over 30 years. You can read his occasional Twitter-bites at @leehjones